
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obsession: Clinque's Take the Day Off

After a long, hard day at work, I must admit that the first thing I want to do when I arrive home is to take it off! My make-up that is ;) I have been searching for a decent make-up remover for quite some time. My ultimate goal was to find one that would take off both my face and eye make-up, especially waterproof eyeliner and mascara. I am not a very patient person, so having to stand there while my eye cleanser soaked then reach for another remover to take off my foundation was just not working for me. Particularly, when I am still left with eye-makeup residue after all that effort. I even reached a point where I stopped wearing any make-up on my eyes just to avoid having to take it off at the end of the day! That was how irritated I felt.

My other issue was finding a cleanser that worked with my eczema prone, sensitive and extremely dry skin. I know this seems like a lot to ask, but I was bound and determine to find it. After countless hours of researching online and talking to beauty and department stores, I stumbled on Clinique's Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm:

I have been using it now for almost five months and I can not live without it! Reasons why I will purchasing this cleansing balm over and over again:
  • Takes off both eye and face make-up
  • Effect against waterproof make up
  • Gentle on the skin
  • Non-greasy, non-drying
  • Does not irritate or cause me to breakout 
  • Starts as a solid and becomes an oil
  • Easy to use
  • A little goes a long way
  • Reasonably priced
Definitely a must try if you are looking for an all in one make-up remover!


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